Saturday, February 22, 2025

This Older But Curious Life

Isn't it fun living this older but curious life? 

If COVID taught me anything it was to be playful, not on occasions but everyday. Finding a way to be playful in my life is the easiest aspiration in my life.

Rather than looking at the old woman in the mirror and wondering where the bags under her eyes came from,  I learned to put on makeup everyday, whether I went for a walk or not, whether I might see people or not, whether the mask covered it all or not. I was the one looking in the mirror. 

COVID was a time ago, but recently the bitter cold winter weather has kept many of us inside for more days than we wish to count. Now is the time to search for hearts and flowers not dust and piles of books.

Once again I turned to my jewelry box for color and the light-hearted feelings of playing dress up. I have one pair of mis-matched earrings given to me by Kathy Klopenstein Hale. She is "a jewelry artist" and daughter of my friend and neighbor, Julie, 
who is a landscape artist on canvas. They, each,  have decorated their homes to reflect their curiosities of life and wonder. 

Side by side the earrings are definitely different but with a face in between people only notice the colors.

It's all about perspective and internal laughter. Her jewelry makes me laugh. She might call them 'stunning statements.'


This may not show the colors of a Farris Wheel but the unique design is eye-catching for the wearer and the observer. Is this an 'awesome assemblage' or 'steampunk style?'

Matching jewelry likes this brings out a balance that our eyes often seek in presentation and our hearts seek in life. Kathy calls this 'mid-century mod madness.' I laugh at my memories of that other century--a few decades ago.

Sometimes we only want to make a simple statement like I have a secret  I may share with you if....

Find this gem under "Neo-Victorian Niceties."

Today the sun is shiny and bright in my corner room. From my perch by  the window green stems standing tall in the brown leaves tell me that the daffodil bulbs have survived the bitter cold. Before long bright yellow colors will fill our garden and shades of green will be highlighted by the golden sun. That's how I see her jewelry, as an extension of myself and my curiosity.

How do you see jewelry? How long has it been since you played dress up?

Lucky for me, I can call ahead and drive over to her house to browse her art room for a new unique piece. You can browse her jewelry and clothing designs without ever leaving your comfy chair and warm blanket by following this link to By Kat Designs



  1. OMG, reading your lovely words related to my jewelry brought tears to my eyes, Letty. Thank you so much for you enthusiasm and support. It means the world to me.


  2. During the eleven years that I taught at LSU and a few years after that, my jewelry lived in two different homes. Arriving at one where I hadn't been for a while was an adventure in exploration. Since I sold the condo in Baton Rouge, I now have it all together again ... sort of... and I am looking for better ideas for how to store it all.
