Sunday, November 26, 2023

Grace is a New Day

Grace is each new day. Some days she's dressed like a child on Merry-Go-Round, laughing, kicking, swinging and swaying. One time I felt her next to me when oncoming traffic slide on ice and by her grace missed our car. I gave thanks to her flutter touch on my shoulder, and placed my hand on top of hers. 

I saw him once, standing on distant hill. The clouds came in that evening from the hilltop in shades of blue and gold. He stood gloriously looking down at us like a shepherd whose sheep were safe for the night.

I do not have to see Grace to believe in her or feel him in my heart. It is a knowing deep down inside that lifts me up in ways I can't describe. A chirping Bewick wren returning for the winter months peeks at the feeders in our yard. When the bird finds food I watch her tiny tail flip into the air and then jerk back in forth in eager movements. Is he pleased, hungry, curious or communicating with others?  I lose track of time and worries when I watch our birds outside. This is Grace.

I've been beaten down lately, by man-made rifles of death in the hands of angry people.  I hurt so deeply for people who are victims of Hate that my insides quiver from my heart to my toes.  

Hate comes dressed in dirt and filth with a sad grim expression. He eats selfishly off the plates of those who are starving. She slays another and another without stopping for fear of death meeting her first. 

If only, I think, others could see the beauty out my window each day, thanks to Grace.


  1. Beautiful essay, Letty. Thank you.

  2. thanks once again!!
    You look great in the picture. I hope you continue to stay in touch!

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely and sensitive ode to Grace.
    I believe she/he is most findable in nature of with dear friends
    or dogs.

    But Letty, I never knew that Jack had 3 legs! Julie

  4. Wow Letty, you really got into it today! 😳 According to Christian theology, "Grace" is what God grants us through the acceptance of Jesus Christ. According to the great theologian Ringo Starr; "It don't come easy. You know it don't come easy."😊 Have a great day. Woody

  5. Beautiful, touching, encouraging reminder of Gods’ gift of love, encouragement and guidance of how to keep walking forward and see the goodness that is ever-present. All we need to do is open our ears and listen…..

  6. So beautiful!


  7. Thank you for this beautiful message!

  8. I LOVE THIS!!!
    I had already decided to send it to the class before the last line!
    God Bless you! MMc

  9. Oh, my. You had me in tears by the time I finished the first paragraph, Letty. You feel things so powerfully like I do. Sometimes I think that is what exacerbates my bouts of depression and anxiety at times. But the opposite is true in that I also feel the gratitude of Grace equally as powerfully, which is what keeps me going. You and I are so very alike in some ways and I am thankful to have your friendship, even if it is mainly brief encounters here and at Mom’s house. Kathy K

  10. What a lovely writing…thank you for sharing this with me. You are a wonderful poet! DS
