Friday, October 6, 2023

What I Am Learning by Murphy Doodle

I am Murphy Doodle, writer and people lover.

I am two years old now whatever that means to people but I am still the same writer I have always been

Letty said I had to use CAPITAL letters when i is hard for a dog to hit two keys at once but i am learning

I like to write about what I see and smell...mostly smell

one day letty turned to jack and said that I had a keen eye for squirrels

I think she meant that I could smell squirrels and see them run on the fence and in the trees…I think that is what keen means

There are little mice running in letty's garden and i try to catch them everyday so they will not hurt letty...once when i caught one she screamed like it was wrong...i dropped the mouse and ran away

Once maybe twice when I was a puppy  and very small I saw a square flat thing on the table and mice where on top…they didn’t move and I couldn’t smell them but it bothered me to see them in the house…

I decided to sneak up on the mice and kill them before letty got home…it was very difficult to kill them…worst of all they didn’t move or even smell like mice…I chewed an chewed on the corners of the box until I was tired of the taste…the mice didn’t move so I guess they were dead  

When Letty came in the room she picked up the box and scolded me in a loud scary voice that made me hang my head and feel really bad on the inside…she didn’t understand  that I wanted to protect her from the mice

Next she picked up boxes everywhere and said these are BOOKS, MURPHY…do not eat BOOKS and she pointed a finger in my face and hugged the BOOK (box)  i think that means i need to learn a new people word called books...she has books everywhere but i will not eat them ever again

One time I chewed on letty’s purple eye glasses because I was lonely and wanted to be by her side…when she saw what I had done she shook her head sideways (that means no in body language) and then she scolded me again and said NO NO NO

Later she invited me to sit on her lap and she petted me….so she did not stay mad at me very long

I have chews everywhere now so i do not get in trouble

I wag my tail a lot now that I am older because I am always happy to be in my home and I do not chew up things like I did when I was little






  1. So love this. csm

  2. Hey Murph, I`m so proud of you. Every day you get smarter and smarter!
    I love you.


  3. Murphy!! What a fun, adventurous life!
