Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Mr. Rogers in the Neighborhood

my real name is MURPHY DOODLE, but sometimes jack and letty confuse me and call me other names like mud foot and shaggy dog, i guess that is just how people talk

one day when it was windy enough to blow my tail, jack let me off the lease at the park to run because no one was there, no dogs to play with me made me sad and happy because i like to run free to chase squirrels

i like to play with other dogs, even when they hide behind brown fences i bark and say things like WON'T YOU BE MY FRIEND

sometimes they bark back GO AWAY, GET AWAY FROM MY HOUSE

at the park that day i ran all over chasing birds and squirrels and then i heard a dog bark saying  COME SEE ME, COME SEE ME, COME SEE ME

i ran all the way down a fence line and saw a little dog who has black and white hair but not curly like my hair, she has straight hair and funny hair cut

we ran up and down the fence line but she wore out after two laps, i think her short legs were tired

letty found out one day that her name was NOLA and i saw her pink collar, 

that day there was another small dog visiting NOLA, he could not run very well and sometimes he fell over, jack said he might be a puppy

one day NOLA did not want to run so instead we barked at each other through the black rod fence,



now sometimes when i go to the park we run together on separate sides of the fence, and sometimes we go the corner and bark at each other,

that is so much fun, she makes me happy

now letty calls me mister rogers when i bark at other dogs to play, i do not know what that means but her voice sounds happy

i have a lot of other friends, too

PENNY is my favorite fence friend, and we can play in her yard and swimming pool or in my big backyard,

when CASH  comes over he tinkles on all of my bushes and i have to go tinkle everywhere after he leaves, when i go to his back yard i tinkle on the trees and bushes, so i guess that means we are friends

my big brother OLIVER comes over sometimes, he tries to make me behave but i just run run run all around, finally he lays down and we get to roll around on the ground just like we did when we were puppies on the farm

i think it is the dogs we love the most that makes us the gladdest

**letty is trying to teach me punch uation about capital letters, now i use capital letters when i talk, she said it sounds loud like my bark 


  1. I love your Murphy stories! Happy golf season. DebC

  2. You just gotta love sweet Murphy Doodle. KK
