Monday, January 31, 2022

Chilling Words


January 5, 2022

Even though the sun was shining that morning the bitter North wind slapped me with a cold chill.  I knew what I would say or do when the orthopedic doctor said, “Yes, we need to replace that left knee.”

“I’m ready. Let’s get it on the appointment books now.” I imagined saying.

My last cortisone shot had not lasted three months before the pain and swelling returned. My plan was to get ahead of the spring and be well by May, so I could enjoy a carefree summer and a trusty left leg that would support my golf swing.

The doctor studied the x-rays, talked at length about my prior injuries and then said, “I think you might have better luck if we treated your knee for arthritis by prescribing Celebrex.”

I sat in silence.

The doctor leaned back in his chair and waited. His head cocked he smiled, “Did you want the surgery?”

“No, No,” I nearly screamed. It came out so suddenly. “No, I simply had a plan to get ahead while I could, so I would be healthy come spring.”

My mask could not contain my smile. “So, I don’t need surgery?”

“If you are ok with treating the arthritis, then let’s use meds and save the surgery for the day you really must have it.”

Skipping out of the clinic, swinging my mask in the air like a winning rodeo rider, I didn’t notice the cold wind as I stepped in my car. Inside, bun warmers on, life was good.

The blaring phone shook the car.

“Letty, this is Joan from Dr. Shaw’s office. Your test result for Covid 19 is positive. He has prescribed meds that will be available for you this afternoon, and you will be eligible for the infusion if your symptoms worsen.”

So much for planning.

It was so innocent, our four-year old grandson sneezed while we played with the blocks. No vaccine can stand up to the snotty nose love of a grandchild.

Thank heavens for vaccines and booster shots. I cannot imagine how sick I may have become had I not taken these precautions.

With Jack's asthma and my lungs that are susceptible to pneumonia, I had secretly worried about how badly we might be affected by Covid 19 and its variants.  I was right to worry. 

Neither of us struggled much in the first few days. By the weekend I could tell I was wearing down. On Monday the hospital called to say that the infusion was available for me. 

I began coughing as I talked. He said, "We have an opening Tuesday at 10:00. You sound like you highly qualify and you are over 65. I recommend you come in." I agreed with no argument.  

I slept through the infusion. Jack picked me up and took me home. We treated ourselves to fresh cookies from Dara Maria's and hot tea. I slept through the afternoon and into the evening.  Wednesday I repeated the sleeping pattern. By Thursday I began to feel better. 

With both of us fighting the virus, it was the napping and lethargic nature of the beast that was difficult to live with. We also craved flavor. Our taste buds felt like they had been scratched off our tongues. We could smell, barely. We could taste, barely.

Nearly a month later, we are both doing very well. Best of all the meds I took to fight the virus also fought my inflammation from arthritis. Glory Bee! My left knee and knuckles are not swollen. As my mother would have said, "There is a silver lining to every cloud." 



  1. Oh, Letty--you've been on an adventure/misadventure--but so good to know that you're coming out on the other side of our modern plague. I have had several friends sick--thus far, we are ok. We are careful, but continue to go out and live our lives. I'm a woman who lives much of her life in the car, wandering from "pillar to post" and I'm unlikely to change that practice. I have a couple of friends who have hardly left their home since March 2020. (I wish I were exaggerating, but I'm not.)

    We gave a snowy day here--started last night, and probably have 5-6" now--nothing more to come.

    Congrats on avoiding the knife! mb

  2. Enjoyed reading your post today. Sorry to hear that you and Jack had COVID but fortunately you both seem to be doing much better. Dori and I have been fortunate that we have not had COVID. We have been vaccinated and boosted as well.
    Similar to you I’m struggling with my knees. I have Psoriatic Arthritis. I’ve been taking Cosentyx which gives me some relief however I still struggle playing golf. Limited to Mon, Wed and Fri. Dori is a energizer bunny. She goes and goes and will play golf anytime. Well take care. Hopefully one of these days the four of us can get together.

  3. Remarkable story, Letty. Happy to hear you and Jack are recovering. Hope you get fully recovered from Covid and your arthritis to have an enjoyable golf season.
    Randy says you are a wonderful storyteller. LBS

  4. OMG, I am sending warm healing love and waves of energy to support you on the healing path. JD

  5. Three cheers to a happy ending. Glad your body, your knee, and your knuckles are better. NS
