Our book club, Readers in the Rough, began meeting in the summer of 2017. Because of our setting where we meet to discuss the book is at The Trails Golf Course in Norman, Oklahoma, we decided to name our book club "Readers in the Rough" and give our books ratings based on the game of golf. This rating system has been revised and discussed from time to time, as nothing is quite perfect. We absolutely enjoy our lively book discussions and ramblings about life, and like the game of golf we read and discuss for fun and friendship.
Like in golf, par is the expected score for the best players. A novel or memoir should be the same way.
A Par rating meets the expectation of the elements of fiction: a solid plot, strong and dynamic characters, setting that is defined, a theme we can discuss along with a point of view that lends itself to telling the story, and strength of genre. A Par rating for memoir asks for a compelling story using truth, theme, voice, point of view being I, and an ongoing attempt to arrive at answers.
A Par rating meets the expectation of the elements of fiction: a solid plot, strong and dynamic characters, setting that is defined, a theme we can discuss along with a point of view that lends itself to telling the story, and strength of genre. A Par rating for memoir asks for a compelling story using truth, theme, voice, point of view being I, and an ongoing attempt to arrive at answers.
At the end of each monthly discussion we talk through the rating briefly giving books thumbs up or down, or sometimes we gently struggle and argue between ratings, based on our perceptions. In the end, the majority wins with the votes. Ironically, our Hole-in-One and Eagle rated books are usually unanimous.
The Hole-in-One rating is reserved for only the best of the best, in our opinion, and one that we would reread, rave about and encourage others to read. It must meet all of the criteria of an eagle, birdie, and par.
We did not read any books that we agreed met this criteria. That is not to say that they don't exist, we simply did not read them for book club in 2019.
A Birdie rating meets all of the criteria of a Par plus it creates excellent discussion based on a powerful theme, or other elements of fiction.
A Par rating meets the expectation of the elements of fiction, as fully explained earlier.
A Double Bogey rating means don’t waste your time reading it. This year we didn't read any books that fell in that category.
If you like to read please click on the links below for other great reads.
Readers in the Rough 2018
Top 12 books from Readings and Greetings
We did not read any books that we agreed met this criteria. That is not to say that they don't exist, we simply did not read them for book club in 2019.
Eagle Rating 2019
An Eagle rating says it is superb, exciting, and well worth reading. It meets all of the requirements for par and birdie, plus it is a book we will long remember for perhaps different reasons. We would highly recommend it to others.
A Bogey rating means a book may meet some of the elements of fiction, but overall the book is not strong enough to gather our full attention. We would not recommend it for discussion.A Double Bogey rating means don’t waste your time reading it. This year we didn't read any books that fell in that category.
If you like to read please click on the links below for other great reads.
Readers in the Rough 2018
Top 12 books from Readings and Greetings