Sunday, March 24, 2024

That Other Gurl...

 Literally, somedays I don't know who I am talking to or living with inside of me. Who is that other gurl, I ask with a southern whang, and why are you so difficult to live with?

She has been acting much like a reluctant cave bear growly mopey and willing to go back to bed after every meal. She is not me. She has even been watching television in the evenings for several hours. Today, she woke up early, fixed her tea, sat back down on a comfy heating pad and watched the entire CBS Sunday Mornings. In one sitting. Now when has that ever happened?

I am literally Letty, who normally doesn't sit for long lengths of time, except to write. Even then I take breaks by leaving my water or iced tea in the kitchen. If that is not enough, I wear a Fitbit that goes beep beep beep if I don't move 250 steps in an hour! (I do ignore it from time to time.) 

That other gurl also walks on lazy feet, in other words, her feet don't want to get up and move. To be clear, this gurl is different from my 'evil twin' who occasionally shows up on the golf course. I have learned to let her play her game and accept her for the herky jerky player that she is. I have lived with her for decades and we have made peace. 

Today, the other gurl met her problem head on. That meeting is now posted on the refrigerator door to calm my spirit and revive that laughter within my soul. 

Sitting up, staring at his feet Snoopy says, "Now look here feet!  The rest of us wants to go jogging so let's get with it! 

nothing happened

ALL RIGHT FEET...ON YOUR FEET! Snoopy commands

nothing happened tee hee hee

That struck me with a lightning rod effect, and I picked up my feet and told the other gurl to go take a nap, because these feet were taking this body to exercise for at least thirty minutes. 

Who knew that one deep breath and a laugh out loud comic strip could cure a gurl with a cave bear mentality?

Thank you "Classic Peanuts" by Charles Schulz 

Moments like today and the week leading up to my cave bear mentality occur when the weather takes control leaving me feeling gray and grouchy. 

Thanks to Snoopy and the many other colorful cartoons, I pulled myself up and exercised today. Like magic I felt cleansed inside and out. The growly grumpy gurl was gone...I had exorcised her. 

Now I ask myself, "Why is that so hard to push myself to exercise when I know 100% of the time that I will feel better after a good workout?" 

**Don't google that one, or you will plunge down a rabbit hole deeper than the day is long....tee hee hee

"Be gentle with yourself. We are each doing the best we can."

P.S. After printing this I reread it and experienced another epiphany. (Two in one day.)  The word accept is the key for me to this aging process and to the gray days that have always been in my life. Perhaps I will write the word ACCEPT on my printer.  I write it on my golf balls and it helps me to accept the inevitable golf shots in my life. 

For another short story about Two Sisters Both with Curls click on this link. 


  1. Loved your wonderful post early on this Mon a m!

  2. Exercise is good for us physically and mentally! nv

  3. Amen, Letty, Amen. I too don't like those gray days. Woody
