Saturday, December 31, 2022

Perfect Endings


Find your Center

With a birthday on December 26, as a child I was accustomed to being forgotten, but thanks to Facebook, dozens of retired friends, plus family members, I now get to celebrate this day in style.
Being a Capricorn (Dec. 22 -- January 19), however, can cause issues with laughter and silliness. For instance on the same page as the newspaper cartoons that light up my day is positioned the "Horoscope" which reads:

You'll require patience and common sense when dealing with money, friends, and relatives. Have faith in yourself. Pay attention to what you do, how you look, and what you want to achieve.

This is the holiday season filled with expenses, family, and friends. It is easy to run out of money, and patience. What do these palm readers think we are, miracle workers?

I do pay attention to how I look and that's what scares me. I read years ago and believed that it was important to live life fully everyday and go out 'all worn out.' When I look in the mirror before and after makeup, I realize that I am beginning to look like that 'old woman all worn out.' As for paying attention to what i do, I do look very carefully for big dogs coming my way. The Witness--Murphy Doodle. What I want to achieve is easy to say but difficult to finish--I want to keep writing the History of the Miami,Ok Golf and Country club. Did I ever pick a puzzle to complete with this goal!

I foresee, several options to this frustration of not being able to accomplish all that the world demands of us:

One, do not read the horoscope, but it is on the funny page of the newspaper and I can't resist reading what might be really funny.

google a better horoscope for that day.

Happy Birthday for Monday, Dec. 26, 2022:

Although you are focused and determined, you are also playful and mischievous. You have a large personality, and others often look to you for strength and reassurance. This year you are reaping the rewards of past efforts. You will get a promotion, an award, or some special acknowledgement. The Denver Post

This makes me smile and feel good, and isn't this what the world needs now, besides love sweet love.

Three, treat a horoscope like Jack taught me to read fortune cookies in 1983. End the line with the following preposition--"In bed."

Fortune cookie reads: NEVER DO ANYTHING HALFWAY

Now, read this aloud for special effects with the new prepositional phrase.



Now, read aloud for special effects of your choice.


This is why they call these phrases pre-positional.....
Well, not really and I'm sure my grammar teachers in heaven are either laughing out loud or scolding me. That is not how I was taught. I learned prepositions by memorizing the most popular 60. I can still repeat: aboard, about, above, etc. etc. etc. until my memory gives out.

There is a Fourth option, use a colorful prepositional phrase to finish a horoscope. For instance:

Simplicity, moderation, and a keen sense of when it's time to make a change will help you dictate what comes bed; on the road; after dinner...

Concessions will be necessary but worthwhile if it gives you the freedom to live and do things your the waters edge; in your dreams; after skydiving...

Hopefully, I can remain focused and determined this year but always with a little bit of humor in my heart and in my mind. Think of all of the ways you can create your own Perfect Endings to this year, to this day, to a good life...

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  1. Dear Friend, you are irrepressible. I should have known you are a Capricorn, for I seem to be totally charmed by you folks. You fill my list of friends that I treasure most. Keep on bringing charm and sunshine and enthusiasm into this aching world. 2023 needs more people like you. jk

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed I read my horoscope everyday. Now, I'll have more fun than ever adding Jack's suggestion. In college we would read the music selections on the jukebox and add the same line (in bed). People around us would wonder "what's so funny?" jf

  3. Letty,
    Thank you for a humorous, good laugh essay! Just what I needed to begin the year. Happy New Year. I hope our pineapple express doesn't reach you.

  4. My 75th birthday was December 29th so I identified with your musings and look forward to reading more. CT

  5. Letty Happy New Year. I enjoy your writings. Come golf with.Debbie and me at beautiful Holiday Island. Vernon

  6. Yes, I agree with: in bed, on the road, after dinner! That changes everything 😊
