Saturday, July 9, 2022

Buffalo Dog by Murphy Doodle

i like the shade and the dirt

i have learned a new word this summer, it is called hot and hot burns my feet on the sidewalk and hot makes me feel lazy, i do not remember hot last year when i was a puppy

i have a new short hair cut but it is still hot

i thought shade was the best thing about summer and then i discovered dirt, the best thing about dirt is that is is cool, it makes my skin tickle all over when i roll in it, it is even more fun when i shake because the dirt flies in the air and letty and jack laugh at me

letty says that i am a buffalo dog because i like to roll in the dirt, i looked at her with my brown eyes and asked her what a buffalo looked like 

then she told me all about a big buffalo who used to be a pet and lived inside a house, like me, but she said he was born bigger than i am now when i have all of my hair on me

on the land she said the buffalo make large dry beds of dirt and then they wallow in the dirt to get the flies off and feel good like i do, i hope i have a wallow someday

Stormy, the Buffalo from Sandy Spring Farms

i sure hope i do not see a buffalo at the park, i would have to bark to protect letty and i might be afraid he could chase me

sometimes when it is hot i play in the sprinklers, even though i am not suppose to

i get in trouble a lot when i play in the water but i do not know why

when i played in this water, it would not hold still so i put my paw on it to make it hold still, it still wiggled, so i chewed on it to make it hold still, maybe that is what i did wrong, next time i think i will lay on it

when i get really wet i jump on the chair or swing to feel some cool air, i can swing by myself but i like it better with jack or letty

when jack is on the swing he tosses the ball or frisbee for me, except when i am wet, but when i am wet i am cool and like to play toss or chew, so what am i supposed to do

roll in the dirt like a buffalo

play in the water sprinkler

bark to go inside where it is cool

or hide away from the sun and every body

Hide and go Peek.

i need to write a footnote
if you know letty please tell her to stay home with me
when she plays golf and gets in the car to go places
i do not get to be with her and i do not feel my hugs and rubs
i miss her and my hugs and rubs and all of the stories i want to tell


  1. Gosh, I sure do love that Murphy Doodle! Rosie and Zoe use the mornings to avoid the heat, yet there is plenty of dirt to dig to find cool spots. Rosie takes it a step farther. Shocker! 😂 She even digs at their water bowl and then complains there's no water to drink! Caley

  2. Buffalo Dog!
    Murphy, you are such a good writer. You describe “cool” so well, with examples and graphics. Very nice seeing you around our neighborhood.
    Please tell your Letty that her tomatoes were a most delicious treat.

  3. I ADORE Murphy Doodle--who has a superb biographer! MB

  4. Wonderful story. I just love it when Murphy Doodle writes. KK

  5. Oh that pup…Murphy Doodle…he is such a cutie.
    The joy that animals bring into my life is boundless.
    The laughter, the goofiness, the love and clarity of being just who you are.
    Big big hugs and again so so cool to hang out a little.

    Judy Sista
