Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quiet Places


The finch's head never seemed redder than today at the feeder.
His chirp like a whisper in the wind.

He faces me through the screened window nodding his head.
I smile in return.


The acrobat returns
  flushing the birds as she climbs the feeder.

Nature's entertainer leaps, crawls, creeps,
  turning to see if anyone is watching?

I am watching, still, behind the glass and
  wild whirling winds as spring turns to winter.

Nibbling unconcerned, she scatters safflower 
  to the doves below.
Then wipes and washes herself,
  how strange that I have never noticed. 

With the fluid motion of a tight wire walker she balances
  and prepares for her next show.
Head first she slides down the tube
  reaching for the furthest opening.

Upside down and swallowing downside up,
  or had you noticed? 
Quiet. Quiet places. Watch. Observe. Listen.
  Quiet breathing, shoulders relaxed. 

I think perhaps this moment of quiet observation near this window on the world will never happen again. 



  1. Letty, Thank you for this calming quiet reflection which helped bring me back to peace within. How often in Scripture and in nature do we hear, "Peace, be still!" Ahhh jd

  2. Thank you for the quiet inspiration, friend! kh

  3. Nice…I love the finches. The Pacha Mama is celebrating. Stay well and lots of big smiles. Judy

  4. Dr. Seuss said some very wise/profound things!
    I've learned to limit my news consumption for my best emotional health. I believe in keeping informed but after crying with the am and evening news last Friday, I drew the line! Doing much better since!
    Smarter than drinking or optional eating! Please keep up Literally Letty's encouragement and positive attitude! Stay safe, sister! jyl
