Monday, June 26, 2017

The Luckiest People

People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world,

It's been over a month since I completed a blog or wrote a story for a contest.  Part of me fretted and stewed, but then my brain and body began to relax. Music danced in my blood day after day. Like a broken record Barbra Streisand's voice floated in my head . Her words seemed to transform my soul from worry to delight and relief.  

We're children, needing other children
And yet letting our grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside,
Acting more like children
Than children.   

I realized that people mean the world to me: sharing stories, working together, discussing life, living life, making memories, meeting new friends in new places, and rediscovering old friends.

 Lovers are very special people,
They're the luckiest people
In the world.
With one person, one very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you were half,
Now you're whole.
No more hunger and thirst

We've traveled to Wisconsin to visit family, spent a day with a rediscovered pen-pal while in Missouri, crisscrossed the state of Oklahoma and drove down to Texas to find a lost cemetery and unmarked grave. Jack's traveled with his buddies, and I've traveled with my girlfriends.  We need each other, but we need our friends and family nearly as much. 

But first be a person
Who needs people.

Last week I realized, as I sang her song quietly in my head while playing golf, that my back didn't hurt. It hadn't hurt for several weeks. I experienced no pain: no pain down my legs like streak lightning, no pain that prevented me from turning through the ball, no pain at impact.  Feelings that I had not experienced in a decade. The realization lifted every ounce of weight off my old low back and catapulted me into bliss.  

People who need people
Are the luckiest people
In the world!

Without pain I could enjoy my time with people. Giving my attention to their words, not worrying about my back! New songs drifted in and out of my head, a lightness gave me energy and I smiled. How blessed I am to have readers who relate to my stories, to have family and friends who share their lives with me, and to be living in American.  Look out world, here I come.  


  1. A lovely story, Letty. I like the way you have intertwined the song with your story. Also glad that singing helped to relax your back!

    1. Thank you Martha. I believe that Music can be a blessing for our souls and heart.

  2. I loved this and it is certainly true. I love that song also. jr

  3. Such a lovely blog Letty, you got the gift girl. You know the meaning of living a life as a heroic adventure. Say, you are such a relationally beautiful being and so much more. Be well and travel light in these turbulent times with the knowledge of what you write about; as it is the answer to the questions that we hold in our hearts. Love to you and yours. jd

  4. ---for this day and for everyday that we are given. May each sunrise hold more promise and each sunset more peace.
    My yoga teacher end our Thursday morning class with these words. I am thankful for the start of this day and for its opportunity to read you uplifting words! Love and peace, and fun, be yours this day! mob

  5. Nice to hear about the lack of pain! Great news. nv

  6. Sounds like your relaxation therapy works wonders! The photos reinforce your floating magic. Peace.
