My sister, Jonya, and I recently discovered that when we want to
share our childhood stories, how we raised our kids, or even teaching career
stories that we could start with this line, "Back in the 1900's I did...." It
seems to catch the attention of the audience or person facing us.
The funny thing about the 1900's is that it is the PAST and the
PAST is like another country. How can we relate?
For instance:
Norman Transcript carried this story on January 1904.
A Norman woman walked into the Silver Cliff saloon where her husband was under the influence of drink and invited the men standing around to step up and have something to drink. Instead, the men began to slink off and soon the saloon was almost deserted. The woman brought some sewing with her and expressing herself delighted with the appearance of the place by giving every indication that she might have come to spend the day.
I can imagine the Tik Tok viewers yelling "You Go Girl."
And then
there are the mysterious things that happened in the 1900's, like
the barrel of wine that was seized by the county Sheriff from the Catholic
Church in Norman. That barrel of wine later turned up missing from the Sheriff's office. Now what could have happened to
that sacramental wine?
In 1925
the Miami, Ok News Record gives bold print to this story:
Rural Crowd Hears Girl Preacher"
Miss Ora
Stoddard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Stoddard, 39 C street northwest,
delivered a sermon Sunday night at the Sunflower school house, two miles east
of Welch, Oklahoma.
A large
congregation was present, it was reported. About fifteen persons from Miami
drove out to hear Miss Stoddard, who is one of the youngest ordained ministers
in Oklahoma.
September 18, 1925, the Miami News Record (AP) posted a headlines story from
New York City:
Days in Jail for Disrespect to Flag"
failure to remove his hat in salute to the flag, John Granetzer, a young
Lithuanian, is serving a sentence of 10 days in a Brooklyn jail. He pleaded
guilty of disorderly conduct while watching a Mardi Gras parade at Coney
Island. Coney gives the name of Mardi Gras to a post season celebration.
A police
sergeant in his complaint averred that when other spectators told him that
Granetzer was ignoring the flag, warning was given that his hat must be taken
off the next time the flag passed. Granetzer failed to obey the warning,
saying, "my flag is the red flag," the sergeant deposed.
The following June 28, 1958 story in The Daily Oklahoma comes from
stories being circulated in the Biltmore hotel by some of the 150 delegates to
the Grapho-Analysis regional convention.
Reflects Your Personality
On the
basis of certain curlicues in his handwriting, an applicant for a job with an
Oklahoma City firm recently was turned down. He wasn't told why, but a specimen
of his handwriting showed he had criminal tendencies.
enough, a couple of months later, the fellow was sent up for a stretch in the
state penitentiary at McAlester.
there was another prison inmate who wrote a letter to a certain philanthropist
here pleading for help in gaining his freedom. The letter ended up in the hands
of a graphic analyst, a person who analyses handwriting, who found that the
writer not only lacked criminal characteristics but had considerable musical
On the
strength of the grapho-analyst's report, the convict gained his release from
prison and is currently strumming a guitar with a hill-billy band.
My biggest surprise came with this one quarter page add in 1920’s
for a new soda called “Dr. Pepper.” The picture of the old man and the clock
showing 10:00, 2:00, and 4:00 gave reason to “Join the Club” and have a Dr.
![]() |
I discovered Dr. Pepper the friendly picker upper while going to college. I think we will put a Dr. Pepper label on my tombstone. |
It’s here folks! The big day you’ve
been waiting for. Cold, zippy, Dr. Pepper right over the soda fountain or
bottle bar. March right 5 cents…ask for Dr. Pepper and you’ll be a
confirmed member of the 10,2 & 4 Club for life.
Everybody’s joining! Every member’s
happy! For here’s a drink that hits the spot, and makes the spot stay hit.
Girls and men need one at ten. Another’s due, when the clock strikes two, and
just at four you need one more.
Wise ones never miss these hours. They
say 3-a-day, keeps the energy up…We say it’s nourishment. You N E E D a little bracer
at mid-meal hours. Dr. Pepper give it to you in pre-digested form…pure
nourishment that is quickly assimilated into the blood. That’s why you feel
distinctly refreshed after drinking.
Pure as distilled water, sparkly as a bubbling spring. Licious as mingled juices of fruits and extracts from the Orient and Tropics.
**Footnote** Are they hiding the sugar in the word licious?
In reality back in the 1900's for me begins with American Band Stand and perhaps that's another story.