Thursday, September 26, 2024

Elvis in the Shower by Murphy Doodle

Did you say shower?????

I have to take a inside shower whenever letty says I smell like a dog,  a dirty dog,  Doesn’t she understand that I am a dog? 

I have learned to walk to the shower because there is always a treat for me before I step inside and after I step out. Before she had to drag me,  but she figured out that a treat would tease me into the shower,

She is really smart for a person

I do NOT like the first blast of water. . . When she covers me with soap I begin to shake all over and this time she laughed at me 

She said that I looked like Elvis in the shower and she laughed and laughed and laughed some more ?????

 I do NOT know what Elvis is, but I didn’t think it was funny the way she laughed at me. . . I was a wet dog and shaking all over from my black head to the tip of my white tail.

 She kept laughing and then started singing something about a hound dog  I am not a hound dog. . .... I am a cute dog   That is what people say when they see me at the park. 

I decided to shake again to show her that I am a wet dog not an Elvis dog

 After that Letty said, “Murphy. Settle.”  she took a deep breath and made a long sigh and then she  began to laugh again?

 When I dropped my head, she stopped laughing and tried to talk to me like a person.  “I am laughing because of the way you shake, rock and roll like Elvis Presley in the shower.”

what is an ELVIS???  she does not hear my question when i look at her

 After she opened the shower door for me to leave, I shook as fast as I could and then wagged my tail. 

I get the zoomies when I get out of the shower.

when i am wet all over, It is more fun out of the shower.  Now, I can shake rattle and roll inside the house. It makes me feel good all over. I guess it’s ok to be like Elvis in shower. 

I think i will act like Elvis more often now since i know it makes letty laugh.

She tried to show me this on the computer  Hound Dog