Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Murphy Doodle Snacks

Bad Murphy.................. Good Murphy

wet Murphy

that is me, Murphy Doodle, dog, writer, fly boy, comedian, goof ball, digger, mud foot, and k-oss, all 

disk-guysed like a shaggydog  

i must confess that i am good most of the time but 

Bad Murphy....

did you eat my toast she asked looking at me with her smiling eyes and growling voice.

of course i ate the toast that you left for me on the counter corner and walked away,



one day i showed jack how much i loved the peanut butter that he left out, i grabbed the lid and licked it then chewed it up on one side, now they put the peanut butter jar back up away from me 

maybe when i grow up i can reach the peanut butter jar

Come Murphy,...drop...drop...Murphy  drop ...Good Murphy

i hear her words ring in my ear, and i like it because sometimes she rubs my ears but best of all i get treats when i return the toy to her hands, i really like the treats that smell tasty, one is called Sammon, one is bacon, my favorite lick snack is peanut butter, and another doesn't smell like anything good but i eat it anyway

mostly i eat anything in her hand or his hand, jack likes to throw the treats and lets me find them, she scolded him, i heard her say " Bad Jack " but jack didn't drop his head like i do when she says my name like that

on a big day when lots of people came to our house to eat and laugh, people told me that i was a very good puppy, i wagged my tail and jumped to lick them and heard scolding words off

i sat down to be good Murphy and someone said my tail acted like a sweeper, everybody laughed so now i want to keep sweeping my tail on the floor a lot

our house smelled like food all day, but i didn't steal anyone's
food, i thought i was good murphy

i played chase with big children, around and around the yard they ran and let me jump all around them, we were all tired and they let me come inside to drink my water, and feel a belly rub

i learned that girl people sit on the floor with me to rub my belly and boy people bend over and rub my ears once and walk away,  

while people were in the house i wanted to show them how i fly over the furniture but i could not find enough room to run and jump,

letty said to the house of people, let's go outside and play

some people went crazy kicking my soccer balls back and forth, they looked funny running slow, finally i grabbed my ball to hide from them


two tiny girls in pink dresses came out to play with me but they ran away when i ran toward them, i jumped to show them how i like to play,when i tried to jump over one little girl i heard those words Bad Murphy 

sometimes i just don't understand 

they left me outside alone for a l o n g time while i watched them through the window,

a long time ago letty put a table by a window just for me, now i can sleep on it or sit or stand and look right into the window and see people, when i start to bark bad magic happens, the window goes brown and i cannot see through it, if i don't bark the window stays clear and i can watch

if they just let me in the house with them i won't feel so lonely




when people left i ate the best meal of my life, they called it real turkey, real people's food, i can't wait till i eat turkey again


  1. Good morning! What a joyful read about Thanksgiving day from Murphy's perspective! I loved his assessment of life and share his love for peanut butter Happy December sweet Letty. dc

  2. Good golly, I sure do love reading about Murphy Doodle. Thank you for the chuckle.
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Cgl

  3. Thanks to both you and Murphy!! Hope you had as good a Thanksgiving as Murphy did. SS

  4. Sounds like you and Murphy had a great Thanksgiving. Woody

  5. Love reading all of your stories, but this one may be my favorite. kayd

  6. What a delightful story (and dog), Letty. Murphy must make you smile a lot.

    1. Truly he does provide many hours of laughter for us, and a few episodes of frustration!
