Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Laughing Out Loud

 I read in The Week, the Best of the U.S. and International Media (July 9--16, 2021) that scientists have concluded that the aging process is, sadly, unstoppable. (I threw the magazine down in laughter. Scientists didn't know that we will grow old and die?)...

Evolutionary biology trumps everything and, so far, medical advances have been unable to beat these biological constraints.  (p.21 from The Guardian) How much of our tax dollars were spent on this discovery? 

Getting older is a problem, and it is the funniest stage of my life so far. Our daughter is turning fifty next month (Mike and Ann are already fifty, ouch) and can't wait to join AARP. I thought she was making fun of me when she said that she enjoyed watching The Kominsky Method on Netflix. "Mom," she retorted, when I accused her of making fun of my age, "I understand your age. My body is getting older, too." I laughed, and later watched another episode of the Kominsky Method. Even if you don't know the characters (two older men in Hollywood going back into the dating scene) this line can make you laugh: 

"Dating advice? Last time you went on a date, Richard Nixon was in office and he was doing well."

Sandy Kominsky in The Kominsky Method, Season 1 Episode 6 - Found at: https://www.thyquotes.com/the-kominsky-method/

The funniest not funny thing about aging is the hearing loss. My husband and I sometimes answer questions that were never asked. "But I thought you said...No you said...No, I said...." at which point neither of us has any idea of what the subject was about.

If we can keep ourselves pulled together we laugh everyday over what we think we heard, but there are those days when it is purely frustrating and embarrassing. 

Last week I was playing golf at Shangri la with younger friends, who can still hear and see the golf ball in flight. After a few beers in the clubhouse we were asked and challenged to go to the cliff side and play "Dot Ball." Asking for an explanation, they said that we'd hit golf balls (some old ones they'd brought from home) to the dot in the water below. Well why not, my dad would have jumped in this crazy idea and my partner couldn't resist the challenge. Off we go in a train of golf carts heading over to the cliff view behind the par three hole #13. All the while, my mind is spinning as to how they get a "Dot" to float in the same place on Grand Lake. 

My embarrassment called for another beer and laughter from deep within my soul. They were talking about a "Dock" that floats below. People shoot to this spot for fun and maybe practice.  It is about a 60 yard shot with a fantastic view. I didn't win my money back but I at least hit the dock, not the dot, twice. 

Next week we both have appointments with an audiologist and Ear, Nose, Throat specialist, just in case it is allergies causing the hearing loss instead of aging.  After all,  scientists have proven that we can't stop the aging process!!!!

Today, I recommitted to my regular workout with a trainer at the gym, but first I walked 4,000 steps in the cool morning breezes with the dog. My body is thrilled when the workout is over, and usually it feels better. I think a balanced workout improves my attitude, my posture, and works out some kinks in my muscles and nerves. The problem comes when my mind believes totally that I can do anything. Of course, I then spent an hour working in the garden, putting in sweat equity in preparation for fall and planning some strategic moves of my plants. 

By afternoon I was too tired to write. I love my naps. 

Oh, I almost forgot. We had a kidnapping in the neighborhood this weekend. It was really quite intense, luckily after several hours the boy woke up. 

PS Give my sister, Jonya and her husband Bill, credit for the kidnapping story. 


  1. Letty, Thank you for the laughs today! We all need that.

  2. You just made me LOL! Hit the DOT my friend!!!

  3. Nice post! Boy, Ken and I know where you’re coming from in the hearing loss! I’ve never asked “What?” so many times in my life!! TLSt

  4. Good Wednesday, Letty!

    Forget the morning news, reading your piece on the science of aging and reality was a wonderful wake-up!
    Dot Ball is something we all can relate to, sadly, hilarious!
    Thanks for validating that I am far from alone In this process!
    💗💗 Debbie

  5. Yep, getting old really is a hoot. I wouldn`t go back to being young and foolish, because there really is great
    joy in finding that I have lived thru it all and have mellowed out and know on a gut level what really counts for me, tho it may not be the same path that my fellow travelers choose. That`s perfectly OK. There probably are many paths to the Pearly Gates, and none of us will get there alive. But we will be welcomed none the less. Reassuring, to say the least. So kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

    Love, JK

  6. Oh Letty,

    You made me smile and chuckle this afternoon. Thank you!!!

    Glad you are all o.k., we have a fun weekend coming Kris, Melody and Mr. Hank are coming! It will be fun and crazy.

    Stay safe in the heat. Loved the DOT story. jR

  7. We love that show.

    Of course, we can commiserate with the whole aging bit! Fun times! le

  8. The man deserves a medal for successfully slowing down his perpetual motion machine wife. Julie
